So Saturday was just beautiful, although as far as pictures go.. a little too sunny! Finally in the shade of a pear tree in a parking lot we got some memorable shots!
Margo is now a little photo bunny, she poses, smiles and even looks at me! :) Shes a joy to photograph.. and she loved those little yellow flowers!!! :)
So adorable! They were very ready for their pictures! Nolan smiled from the moment I saw him! and Ellie is just becoming a very experienced little model :)
I had fun on Sunday with Holly and Brandon, everyone had ideas about how the pictures should look, and luckily I still had SOME creative juice left! I swear this kid better crafty, cause hes stealing all my ideas!!!
Heres a few just for Holly, while shes waiting on her pics! :)
Wow I have had some CUTE kids lately.. but these 2 are adorable! :) Aidan is a bit of a ham! and Ava I am sure will get into it one day.. although she still did really well today!
Well trying to get all this stuff done before this little one pops out is a challenge! Its making it go fast though, as I want to have all my shooting done by April 1st, you know thats only abou t2 more weekends! I dont have much time at all!!!
Anyway this Saturday I had kids, and babies and brides! :) Each challenging in their own way! (except you Ashley!) ;)
The Hudsons almost all full of smiles! :)
Little Mr Landon! striking his most popular pose! That of pure fear of my camera! :)
Ashley glowing!
And last but not least.. my new favorite baby! :) Evan.. soooo cute!