Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We are BACK!

So after a JAM PACKED June, and then a refreshing vacation I am back! Although vacation wasn't solely a vacation I did do SOME work.. much to the disappointment of my holiday goers! Ahhh what am I saying.. they had a blast with my rash the dress shoot! When do you get the opportunity to get pretty girls in dresses to run around a beautiful (if not cloudy) beach! I believe they also had fun!

Its taking me a while to get through ALL the pics.. but everyone was anxious to see this one I know! LOL


Yahpee said...

This picture is sheer hilarity! It was a pleasure working with you.
Glad you all had a safe trip.

Baby Mama said...

We had so much fun!! Thanks for working on your vacation, can't wait to see the rest of them!